Promoting the incredible diversity of living creatures and their habitats in our local area.
Our exciting new 'Nature In The Neighbourhood' campaign is being launched to promote the incredible diversity of living creatures and their habitats in our local area, and to encourage people to join together to support and enhance these within their neighbourhood.
Whether you are a local resident with a garden or nearby park, a school teacher looking to improve their school grounds, a group leader wanting to get tips for engaging their groups with wildlife or a local business looking for ways of giving back to the community, we would like to get everyone involved.
Wildlife across the UK is under threat, many British plants and animals are struggling to thrive or even undergoing population decline. One common threat is from habitat loss, this means that any space we can preserve, enhance or create for wildlife can have real conservation value. This is why we are keen to share our knowledge about making all green spaces the best possible for wildlife.
On Sunday the 18th of September 2022, the All Things Wild team ventured around Honeybourne on a mission to collect as much litter as possible.
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